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WorkAbility: Inclusive Pathways to Employment Programme

The WorkAbility programme supports the transition of young people with disabilities into the workplace. Through a partnership model with schools, employers and community, the programme increases participants’ job readiness, facilitate sustainable employment outcomes and develop more inclusive workplaces.

a black and white drawing of a man and woman working on a computer

Programme Overview

  • WorkAbility works with pupils with a disability throughout their 5th and 6th year, and for a further 12 months after they leave school, to support their own personal development and assist their move into education/training or work roles that match their potential.  
  • The progression pathway for participants is based on a strong working relationship with a Job Coach and includes regular individualised job coaching, work experience and networking opportunities. 
  • The programme focuses on supporting employers to increase their capacity to recruit, retain and progress people with disabilities.   
  • Through engagement with businesses, jobseekers will be matched to job opportunities and both the employee and employer will be supported through the initial period of employment.   

 Benefits of the programme: 

  • Supportive job coaching with a highly individualised approach. 
  • Employability training and industry insights.  
  • Work experience opportunities with local businesses.  
  • Support for employers through the work placement and hiring processes. 
  • Support for employees and employers during the initial stages of employment. 


Who is eligible for this programme?

Through a partnership model with schools, participants who identify as having a disability / being disabled and are 16 years or older at the time of registration can be referred to the programme. If you have a cohort of students you wish to refer, please contact 

Contact form

    Find out more about the WorkAbility programme:

    If you would need more information, please contact Kate Crosby to find out more about our WorkAbility programme.

    Does your business want to help create a more inclusive Ireland?

    Learn how your company can become an inclusive employer.

    Kate Crosby
    Kate Crosby
    WorkAbility Programme Coordinator


    WorkAbility is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.