Archives: 2024

Research from Skillnet Climate Ready Academy Finds Sustainability Skills are Required for Businesses

New research from the Skillnet Climate Ready Academy reveals that Irish business leaders are placing an increased focus on becoming more sustainable but require clarity on the skills and new forms of leadership needed. The ‘Sustainability Capabilities for Business Leaders’ report, prepared in partnership with Maynooth University , and Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI), is the first examination of both

Photo of stall at a jobs fair as part of BITCI pilot programme for pupils with additional needs.

Overview of BITCI pilot programme for pupils with additional needs

BITCI has been working with the Department of Education and the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) providing support to senior cycle students with additional needs in both mainstream and special needs schools.  This was a pilot programme launched in 2022 as the CES (Comprehensive Employment Strategy) Transitions programme which aimed to support final year students transition to work/ training/ day services. BITCI provided support

Carbon Budgets report highlights gaps between industrial development and climate change policy goals

New Irish Research Council funded research from Dr Aideen O’Dochartaigh and Anna Pringle examines the implications of carbon budgets, the amount of acceptable emissions for each sector of Irish industry set to meet a 51% reduction in emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050, for Irish businesses. A key emerging trend from the interviews

Photo of BITCI World of Work programme between Gas Networks and Benavin College

Roll Up Roll Up! Seeking companies to deliver education programmes in local DEIS schools

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) is urging more businesses based in the Limerick and Clare region to be involved in delivering its various education programmes. These programmes are guaranteed to be both a worthwhile employee engagement experience, enable the company to forge closer links with the local community and help tackle educational disadvantage.   Through

Everything you need to know about EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

Why are forests important? We take forests for granted, but forests and woodlands play a vital role for our health and well-being. Nearly a third of the planet is covered in trees and those trees not only generate the oxygen we breathe, but also contain the densest, most bio-diverse collections of life on the planet.

BITCI Quarterly Sustainability Reporting Update – June 2024

In 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force and a first set of cross-sector European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) was adopted.  As first companies are in scope for CSRD compliance from 2024, EFRAG – the independent technical advisory group mandated by the European Commission – continues to develop technical standards and implementation

Photo of students from Beneavin De La Salle College, Finglas winners of BITCI's YES campaign supported by Gas Networks Ireland (GNI).

2nd Year Students say ‘YES’ to Sustainability

The World of Work programme has drawn to a close for this academic year leaving behind a trail of inspiring events and remarkable achievements. A significant feature of this year’s programme was the Introduction to Sustainability session, complimented by the YES campaign (Youth Engagement in Sustainability). The sustainability session aimed to: introduce basic concepts and

Elevate Pledge Report: Evidence that building inclusive workplaces strengthens social cohesion

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) launched its 3rd annual Elevate, The Inclusive Workplace, Pledge Report which presents a diversity profile of the workforce drawn from 60 signatory companies. Spanning a combined workforce of over 150,000 employees it is clear some strides have been made especially in the area of gender recruitment and progression, but

BITCI welcomes Minister O’Gorman to discuss future of employment programmes

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) took the opportunity to discuss the future of their EPIC and Women@Work employment programmes with Roderic O’Gorman TD, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth on his visit to BITCI today. These successful employment programmes, funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth support refugees, asylum seekers, newly arrived Ukrainians and women returners in their

All-Ireland Climate Action Pilot Programme for SMEs

Scope 3 emissions remain by far the most challenging area for meaningful decarbonisation. We recognise that SMEs play a key role in our member companies’ supply chains making it necessary to support them in integrating sustainability into their operations as, without them, a sustainable transition to a low carbon economy will not be possible. A

Group photo of students St. Oliver's Community College

Irish Cement continues its 15-year partnership with St. Oliver’s Community College

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) is delighted the 15-year partnership between St Oliver’s Community College in Drogheda and Irish Cement continues to flourish. Their collective participation in BITCI’s World of Work programme now includes participating in a sustainability project, part of a national competition supported by Gas Networks Ireland . This project encourages students to envision a greener future and empowering them to make a positive impact on their environment.  The

International Women's Day graphic design

Women@Work programme continuing to achieve success

7th March 2024, Marking International Women’s Day, Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) is highlighting its successful Women@Work programme and urges more businesses to get involved.   This online programme launched in 2020, offers support to women who have been out of the workplace for a long time. This can include women who have migrated from other countries,

Image of 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan

How businesses can support the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) welcomed the launch of Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan by Minister Malcolm Noonan on January 25th. The drafting of the plan was the responsibility of the NPWS, and this version is particularly notable because, for the first time, the plan will have statutory powers and a fund of €3 billion behind it. Within the plan there are 194

Top COP28 Takeaways: What it means for business?

The annual UN Climate Conference is a major milestone to take stock of what has been achieved and to renew the global ambition towards decarbonisation. Dubai’s COP28 in December 2023 leaves a lasting legacy on key issues that will enable decarbonisation. For businesses in Ireland, the key takeaways are: Accelerating Fossil Fuel Phase Out: COP28

Progress of Signatories to the Low Carbon Pledge Against the Backdrop of COP28

In September this year Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI), in partnership with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) Ireland, published the fifth Low Carbon Pledge (LCP) progress report . Encouragingly since 2021 we do see most signatory companies’ ambition translating into action through their commitment and setting of science-based targets, now publicly reported on the Science Based Target Initiative online dashboard (SBTi).  Transparency and authenticity have always been at