Women at Work

The Women@Work programme supports women to find employment that is sustainable, focusing on long-term career goals. It is particularly relevant to women who are  returning to work following a career break or have relocated to Ireland. Participants are supported in identifying their future goals and existing key strengths. This is achieved through strengths-based coaching and mentoring.

A unique feature of this online programme is the partnerships we have with business. Training is delivered through a series of business-led workshops. This gives women direct insight into the world of work and an opportunity for career clinics with business.

Women@Work Programme offers the following services

  • 1:1 career coaching and personalised career planning
  • Business-led workshops
  • Help with job applications CV and LinkedIn profile
  • Interview coaching
  • Access to extensive business links
  • Network building

Participate in the programme, fill in the application form: BITCI Employment Programmes application form 2024

Women@Work aims to reach women who are distanced from the work place.

Additional Criteria:

• Participants must be eligible to work in Ireland
• Participants must not be currently working

For Social Welfare recipients, we can accept the following payments:

• Lone parents, Carers and Disability allowance
• Jobseekers allowance

• Submit application form to the Women@Work email
• Attend online information session
• Formal registration
• 2 hours per week for 6 weeks including business-led workshops, compulsory attendance (please check dates on registration)
• 1:1 coaching with Employment Advisor (3 sessions)
• Opportunities for mentoring programmes with business

Testimonials from past participants:

As a job seeker, I was faced with a lot of rejection. The moral support I got from the Women@Work programme encouraged me to keep going and not give up on finding a suitable employment. The programme helped to stay connected with other women in the same situation and have peer support. Also, the mentoring and workshops on the programme helped me a lot in my job search and my application process. It helped me to prepare better for job interviews and gain more confidence in my self. I am so grateful that I had this much support during my journey. ”

The workshops and the help made me feel like I can do this. It was nice to have someone to talk to throughout the process. I am so happy to be back working again after so long”.

Before the Women@Work programme I would not have had the confidence to apply never mind start a course. I am really happy I did. This will give me more opportunities in the future”.

For more information please contact
Gail Fitzgerald
